Le 21/01/2012
hello richard tu 4 nice qso and pics on 27.700 .
cuagn 73 de Jan
my web : wwww.qsl.net/dl911
Le 13/01/2012
Hi Richard, compliment for your web site it's many interesting.
73 de 1ST006 Paolo
Le 04/12/2011
Mant thanks Richard for the attempted qso, so much QRM! Best wishes. 73's
Le 10/11/2011
Great website and thanks for my video on you lol 73's
Le 03/11/2011
Merci pour le tres bon qso. Compliments pou la votre station dans la voiture, pur le site e les photo. Toutes mes amitie 88. A tres bientot!
Le 29/10/2011
Hi Richard ,had we qso with you on 21/8/2011 from mobile just North of Belfast ,thought id stop bye and say hi ,
73s from N.Ireland ,good dx
Le 14/10/2011
Hello Richard! I was able to find your web site after I spoke with you this morning... It is awesome! It was a great pleasure speaking with you and 223 today, I will listen for you both often, and hope to have a beam on the air soon so I can cut the noise level down for future qso... I will send you some pictures of my qth and what it looks like where I live if you would like. I look forward to hearing from you and more future contacts with you two! Take care Richard
Le 23/08/2011
Bonjour Richard,
Très beau site, agréable à lire
Salutations de 14 CF 2157 Didier, sud cantal.
Le 23/06/2011
hi richard, thanks for the Qso you were 5/9+30 into north uk. 73s and 51s
Le 23/06/2011
tnx for contact richard it was nice to bring some more CT operators onto the freq , i hope you enjoyed the contacts 73's 51's Phill n/e england