Livre d'or

114 message(s) dans le livre d'or

Alex (site web) Le 12/05/2010

Very very nice Website with great Photos and Informations.
I would be glad if you visit my page and leave a message
in the guestbook. Best Regards from 13AT464, Alex.
See you On Air ;-)

26FB101 Le 04/05/2010

Hi Richard.......many thanks for the nice qso today whilst you wer static mobile, you had an excellent signal to me. I wish you best 73 Richard and look forward to speaking with you again soon.....

By the way your website is excellent, keep up the good work Richard.

Au Revoir Richard


327SD110 Boris (site web) Le 01/05/2010

Thank you of contact from 327SD110 and many thanks ,and 73.

Diego (site web) Le 28/04/2010

hi Richard,nice web all information about radio ,pictures 168div.¿the color of sea water is purple?. and beautiful places like lascaux cave.congratulations¡¡¡
73s from 4sd039

161ND79-Op.Tomek Poland !!! Le 21/04/2010

Hello my friend Richard !!!
My name is Tomek-161ND79 from nord-west Poland.My city is Nowogard 63km by Szczecin.
I'm 31 years old.Comunication this is my passion(cb radio and dx-ing):):):)
Thak you very much for good and nice QSO-date:21.04.2010,frequency 27.505 USB.
Verry nice seit:):):) !!!
This is our website, our regional

Thank you verry much for nice QSO and 73,51 for you and your friends from friend from Poland !!!
Bye,bye Richard !!!

14kw010 (site web) Le 20/04/2010

Hello Richard:
good job on your website, and very nice photos.
73"s Dan 14kw010

16ON101 (site web) Le 17/04/2010

Super 73s, j'espere bien t'écouter à la place de te lire sur le cluster , bien sympa de te lire....bonne continuation..michael 16ON101

steven (site web) Le 23/02/2010

hello Richard
nice site you have good luck with dx and hope to meet you some day

Steven 19at066

Arie 113MB190 (site web) Le 31/01/2010

hi Richard. Tnx for visiting my blog.
hope we can QSO in future.
Have a nice day and c u agn.
73 de Arie 113mb190

Arnold (site web) Le 28/01/2010

73 Richard
C'est un peu par hasard que je passe par là, enfin je ne regrette pas d'avoir visité ce blog, vraiment super
Bonne continuation, une visite de votre part sur mon site me ferait grand plaisir.
à +

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